Whereabouts of mass arrest Forced entrainment
And good evening,
Good evening.
It's already winter.
The winter solstice and the end of the year are just around the corner. (^^)
No, Christmas comes first. .. ..
But this year's city illuminations are still
I feel lonely. .. .. .. ┐ (˘_˘) ┌
Let's watch the starlight and movement.
Before dawn on the 15th, around 01:18, we will have a new moon 🌑 at 3 House . The major aspects are Aries ♈ Mars ♂ and Capricorn ♑ Pluto ♇ 90 degree square
Watch the strong momentum of destruction and regeneration.
Pluto ♇ is 4 houses, and when I look ahead to the Cancer Full Moon 🌕 on the 30th of the year, I feel that it is a restart from troubles in my family, home, and familiar communities. .. ..
Furthermore, from the trine of Taurus ♉ Uranus ♅ and Pisces ♓ Neptune ♆, it may be something invisible.
Eh ~~~ Is that so? (+ _ +)
Unexpected event ????
From the 17th to the 19th,
Saturn ♄ and Jupiter ♃ will finally start moving to Aquarius ♒.
We will move toward the 22nd, which is the biggest space event of the century, and the transition to the era of wind. (☉.☉)!
By the way, this time is the US presidential election, which is the focus of attention. Behind the scenes,
I would like to tell you about what is happening now. (☉.☉)!
I haven't been able to talk about it these days. >. <
Human experimentation conducted in underground facilities around the world to extract adrenachrome.
It seems that the children and women who were in captivity are being rescued one after another.
It was really good. (^^)
The rescue was carried out under the covert operations of the Russian and British troops, including the US military.
Believe it or not, it seems to be the case.
It is said that the state-of-the-art medical equipment "Med Bed" is used for the rescued children and women.
As some of you may already know on the internet, the US Special Forces launched a surprise attack to seize the Dominion server in Hamburg.
The enemy is the CIA. Five members of the troops who lost their precious lives, and CIA Director Gina Haspel, who was allegedly at the server site, also seemed to have been injured in the arm in a surprise shooting.
It's like a drama world that even the CIA was an insurgent. ಠ_ಠ
I mean, the CIA was involved in the development of Dominion's voting equipment in the first place, and it seems that the US government had provided it overseas in the past.
There is no doubt about documentary or action film production. (^^)
But I wonder if all the actors will be there ~~ O_o
The world is still under the control of the Illuminati and Cabal DS, and it is said that Switzerland and Germany are the relay bases.
The small American media that conveys this information, the newspaper nurse and the New Tang Dynasty Group in the Epoch Times have finally begun to control SNS accounts such as blocking and deleting images.
The other day, at a press conference by Tora-san, major media outlets,
ABC, CBS, NBCS, and MSNBC, stopped broadcasting during the broadcast. .. ..
In addition, although CNN etc. broadcasted, it was reported that the interview was not recognized as a fact and was reported as negative content after the broadcast.
Obviously, this is a corruption of the major media, a coup d'etat by the Democratic conquest that brainwashes the people.
Now is the time for Americans to deal with such left-wing injustices
You should raise your voice with a single eye.
Think about what happened to Hong Kong now, the rule of communism, ignoring human rights.
It's not just a partisan struggle in the U.S. Parliament, it's a world-class crime that deserves good and evil, 200 years of prosperity, strength and pride, democratic traditions, and principles. is.
As I mentioned in my last blog, Vice Admiral Makinani manipulated this fraudulent election, including the CIA, in an interview on the 28th of last month.
You mentioned that it deserves national treason .
Until now, a large number of arrests and forced entrainments have been underway around the world.
It's a surprising person, and it seems that celebrities are being imprisoned one after another in a camp located in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
It seems that military aircraft that frequently fly in the surrounding sky reveal the situation.
Whether this is true or not is information that cannot be judged from the common sense we know, but the following celebrities have already been arrested and imprisoned.
I will tell you the first and last name and part of the alphabet omitted.
First of all, in the world government officials
The other day, I was complaining like another person that it was a serious situation due to the worsening infection situation of this corona.
Angela Mer.el in a certain country
Ca..Xvi Gus..f of a certain royal family
Former top David Cam .. an
Edouard Philip.e in a country
On top of that Emmanu.l Macr.n
Erna So.berg in a certain country
Royal Felipe V.
Fran.ois Legau.t in a certain country
Frank Walter Stein ... er in a certain country
And you know
Joe B..en
Hill..y Clin ..n
Bi. Clin ..n
Bra.k Oba.a
George w. B.sh
Both have Arrested & Executed status.
Next, Hollywood stars that everyone knows, etc.
Bar.ra Strei..nd
Brad P..t
Bru .. Wil.s
Celi.e D.on
Charl.e Sh..n
Cindy Lop.z (Awaitting tribunal)
Demi M..re
Dasti. Hof.mn (Awaitting tribunal)
Harr.son Fo.d
Jack Nic ..son
Ja.e Fond. (Awaitting tribunal)
Jenn.fer Lop.z (Awaitting tribunal)
Jim Car.ey
John Trav.lta
John.y D.pp
Just.n Bi.ber
it is said that Bi .. G.tes
has already died. What is it
What's happening in Karuizawa ?
This is up to those who still start with the letter J.
many celebrities will still be on the list.
I'm sorry to the fans, but the situation may be related to Adrenachrome.
And it will lead to fraudulent transactions and asset freezes.
Mankind produces certain substances that the wealthy people of society demand, and the victims are still trapped in underground facilities.
It's all about the wealth of the people who rule the dark world. We, the common people, have an unimaginable reality. ⊙.☉
As Mr. Tora says, the conspiracy theories spoken in this world are not always the events that are disregarded like urban legends. Some of them are in the true real world.
From now on, more unbelievable things will become clear. (* _ *)
It has become clear that this US presidential election is a fraudulent act that touches the US Constitution.
Furthermore, it is a national rebellion involving other countries .
The other day, Texas said that it was an unconstitutional and serious fraudulent election due to the amendment of the election law to the Federal Supreme Court against the four states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin and the mistreatment of voters.
I filed a lawsuit, but it seems that the case was dismissed yesterday.
But we're still paying attention to the movement in Arizona. ಠಿ_ಠಿ Arizona seems to sue Arizona itself.
In any case, the deadline is approaching.
What kind of announcement will be made under Vice President Pence, including Giuliani, who recovered from the corona infection on January 6, 2021
I definitely want to expect it. \ (° o °) /
The truth will surely be judged by law.
So, everyone, don't be fooled by the news on TV, and welcome this year's holidays. (^^)
Please read to the end this time as well
Thank you very much. ✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧
I am grateful.
December 12
Tora-san's Tweet
We will continue to gain momentum from next week. Towards the victory of the coalition.