Energy that burns from the inside to the outside Winter solstice

And good evening.

This winter solstice is December 21st, and every year from the day of this winter solstice to the next year's Setsubun, Ichiyo Raifuku will be distributed at Anahachimangu Shrine in Tokyo.
Cathode turns to the sun . It is said to be the shortest day of the year and the longest night.

I think I have to line up early this year as well, but I'm a little worried about the spread of infection in Tokyo. ┐ (∵) ┌

So, this time, I would like to see the winter solstice map with a horoscope where the sun ☀ enters Capricorn ♑ 0 degrees on this day. In terms of time, it will be just after 19:00 at night.

The 6-house Sun ☀ and Mercury ☿ are almost conjuncts, and the 10-house Uranus ♅ and 120 degree trine. 

I think it is the strong energy of the sun that is involved in interpersonal relationships and forces in the fields of work, organization, labor, and health care in society, which Capricorn 6 House means in a harmonious relationship.

Also, Uranus ♅ of 10 House may be a reform of the field of science, radio communication, and information analysis. .. What I have been looking at inward can be felt as justice and strong energy 
\ (° o °) / that is transmitted outward.
9 House Pisces Moon 🌓 on the sun ☀ and 90 degree square. It seems that it will lead to invisible religion, judicial tension, and change against injustice. ✧ (> o <) ノ ✧

Now, I feel the challenges that the universe has given us to overcome this year 2020.

Aries ♈ Mars ♂ and Capricorn ♑ Pluto ♇ Square, Jupiter ♃, Saturn ♄ 7 houses, competition and trial, hostile forces Capricorn "earth" and Aries "flame" of humanity Participate in the fight for justice to protect human rights. .. .. Is it such an image ?

Both Asc and Mc are 🔥 Fire element constellations. I feel that it is time to diplomatically cooperate, support each other, and show a determined self-attitude toward injustice and the dark world with the power of a burning individual and a strong will.

The biggest US presidential election injustice of the century, the fight against the dark forces. It can be read that the time has come for a small number of people in power to collapse.

I think that will lead to the Great Conjunction, which will be visited within a few hours after the winter solstice.

There is no doubt that these effects will have a great impact on the Japanese government, major changes in the Cabinet, and society. (☉.☉)!

Mr. Suga, Mr. Mogi, Mr. N of Don Can you hold up ?

During the three months following the winter solstice, we will continue to experience the events we have to experience.

It is the winter solstice of 2020. (⑉⊙ȏ⊙)

Finally, I feel that the tension between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party is finally coming. 
(・ O ・;) 
It is a medium that tells the truth

Next time on SNS, the platform so far
I would like to collect information and tell you before it changes.

Then, please read this time to the end
Thank you very much.

I am grateful. (^^)


Earth Wind Wave

人の記憶を意識する主体「心」 現代社会を幸せに生きて行くには、 自分らしい人生のビジョンをしっかりとイメージし具現化する。その方法を探究しています。融合と統合、宇宙の法則や量子場の観察、日本古来より伝わる言霊の叡智、これらを活用し、参考文献をもとに情報提供をしています。また東洋医学の観点より食の安全、旬の食材の話題にも取り組んでまいりたいと思います。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 中田ジュン


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