Peace Diplomat Goodbye Xiang Xiang


And good evening. (^^)

A panda that was once given to Japan as a peaceful diplomacy

And Shanshan, who was born on June 12, 2017 at Ueno Zoo, will end his term in 2020 this year. 
Shanshan, who was born and raised in our climate in Japan, is supposed to be returned to his parents' hometown. ༎ ຶ ‿ ༎ ຶ

Goodbye Xiang Xiang. · ´¯` (> <) ´¯` ·.

I would like to convey this absurd feeling this time.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, known as a hardliner against China, is a crime under international law about the Chinese government's crackdown on the minority Uighurs in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region yesterday 24th News

Genocide (ethnic genocide)

I found out that I started to consider whether to certify.
As a Chinese royal school book that is said to correct the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party, "The Political Program in Zodiac" has the following sentence:

You are a ship, people are water
Water often carries the ship and often overturns the ship. a politician, that is, a politician,
I think it is a deep word that explains the attitude of a very limited number of people in power.

This is what the leader of the Happiness Realization Party told me the other day, and I was very impressed. (^^)

The people are water, and those in power are boats. Simply put, try to earn the trust of the people. It means that. ಠಿ_ಠ

On the other hand, the power of the people overturns national affairs. (^^)

I think that time has finally arrived.
What do the Chinese people really think about the country and how do they envision the future of the country?
We cannot look away from the events of the last few days. Severe sanctions from each country have begun, and China, whose resource supply cannot keep up , seems to be having a severe impact on electricity and factory production.

For Zhejiang and Hunan, as well as Inner Mongolia and Jiangxi, we are taking steps to deal with pressure and power shortages in the electricity sector, but that is not the right thing to do for the people. ..
Furthermore, at the designated time, 
if the business starts, it will be forced 
to have a power outage for 20 days ! 
. · ´¯` (> <) ´¯` ·.
The other day, a protest demonstration was held at a major factory in Shanghai, which is involved in the manufacture of electronic devices, with about 1,000 employees, and the local government introduced a police force and decided to suppress it. As a result, there are reports that dozens of arrests have been made.
Right now, China is in the midst of misery with an estimated 1.4 billion people and is about to be left behind.

According to the China International Immigration Report 2020 released by a Chinese research institute on December 22, it is estimated that about 10.73 million people from China immigrated to foreign countries last year in 2019.
Despite the deterioration of US-China relations
The United States is the most popular immigrant destination among Chinese.
Japan and Canada are also the second and third most popular countries after the United States. 

We are aware of the situation, aren't we? The words you hear when you come and go on public transportation and in the city are really Chinese.

China is now shown to be the third largest immigrant exporter in the world. Not only pandas and the people, but also the Chinese Communist Party continue to control the people with their own policies for all kinds of things.

The impact that the Chinese government has had on the world so far has now lost the trust of other countries as a result of this.

Looking at the younger generation, according to data from the Japan Student Services Organization, in 2019, the number of international students studying at Japanese universities and vocational schools was 312,214, of which 39.86% were from China. Occupies the de facto top position.

We can see how the younger generation of wealthy people have anxieties and doubts about the policies of the Chinese Communist Party. Of course.
Let's end the dictatorship of one country and one party so far.
In the coming 2021, the anger and feelings of the people and the financial unrest of the people who are making noise now will pile up.

It seems that the water is already full and it winds backwards.

Shouldn't the people turn around here to boost their momentum and appeal to the national affairs ?

Revolution of John Lennon.

Revolutionize with the power of the people, not with force. You can feel the strength of Tora-san's will in this song with such powerful energy.


And for a society where you can live with peace of mind
I want to bring Xiang Xiang back.

Please read to the end this time as well

Thank you very much.

Thank you \ (^ o ^) /


Earth Wind Wave

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