31st January Situation Update


"Donald Trump was recognized as the US President and World Leader of the Earth Alliance which was taking down the Cabal

that included US Inc,

the Queen’s Bank of London, 

Vatican Bank and their 

Central Banks, 

various mafias and Communist Parties around the globe which were headed by the 

Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The US military was loyal only to the legal US President Donald J Trump, who dissolved the bankrupt US Incorporation and announced the new US Republic Federation on November 2, 2020 – a day before the fraudulent 2020 Election.

The CCP was funded by the Vatican Bank, via Queen’s Bank of London, via the source, US Taxpayer dollars from US Inc. in Washington DC. 

Last week US and Taiwanese jets won their war with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the South China Sea.  

The Ten Days of Darkness where the White House went dark and empty and President Trump went silent began with a fake inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the defunct US Inc. on 20 Jan.

On Fri Jan 29 at the Supreme Court, Washington DC Police and National Guard in riot gear were guarding outside of a ten foot high barbed wire fence surrounding national court buildings. It was believed that arrests and court proceedings were going on regarding the over 228,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office.

Sat Jan 30 would be a big day according to General Flynn. 

The Ten Days of Darkness would end Sat. Jan 30 midnight – the day before Sun Jan 31 Freedom Day as declared in an Executive Order signed by President Trump on July 4 2020.

US President Donald Trump, Russia President Putin, India PM Modi and Chinese government head Xi were working together to bring down the Chinese Communist Party by

March 2021.

It was said that on Fri April 02 the Great Event would happen 

Recently Charlie received a list of 30-40 politicians who have passed away and not one has been listed in the Main Stream Media.

via Telegram

Earth Wind Wave

人の記憶を意識する主体「心」 現代社会を幸せに生きて行くには、 自分らしい人生のビジョンをしっかりとイメージし具現化する。その方法を探究しています。融合と統合、宇宙の法則や量子場の観察、日本古来より伝わる言霊の叡智、これらを活用し、参考文献をもとに情報提供をしています。また東洋医学の観点より食の安全、旬の食材の話題にも取り組んでまいりたいと思います。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 中田ジュン


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