COMMUNIST PARTY (CCP) IS NOW SET ASIDE! The CCP is no longer in control of the Free People of China ! 

This successful top secret operation was coordinated among multiple nation states, including US, INDIA, TAIWAN, successful ending the 70 years of brutal domination, with Systemic control of almost 1.5 billion people in every facet of life. Sovereignty is now in process of being fully restored.

The South China Sea is now under the control of the US MILITARY. TAIWAN is FREE. Hong Kong is FREE. This information will be shared publicly, SHORTLY.

What does this mean to CUBA ? 

What does this mean to RUSSIA ?  

This is the end of NAZI’S GLOBALLY.

This is what was meant by FREEDOM ! 

God knows we need a WIN ! 

This is a GOOD START


Dr V lee 
via Telegram

Please check 
situation updates continusly 
below link (^^)

Earth Wind Wave

人の記憶を意識する主体「心」 現代社会を幸せに生きて行くには、 自分らしい人生のビジョンをしっかりとイメージし具現化する。その方法を探究しています。融合と統合、宇宙の法則や量子場の観察、日本古来より伝わる言霊の叡智、これらを活用し、参考文献をもとに情報提供をしています。また東洋医学の観点より食の安全、旬の食材の話題にも取り組んでまいりたいと思います。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 中田ジュン


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